People with dementia have their share of struggles, and this worldwide pandemic has made it even harder by placing many of their favorite shared activities on hold. With social dis[...]
Two of four steps to becoming a published author is to research what others have done and add what's missing and write a compelling overview to get interest.[...]
Article excerpts—top-retirement destinations, caregiver-tech tools, post-traumatic growth, medicare advantage versus supplemental, active brain and dementia.[...]
How do you get your caregiving experiences in print? Fulfill a need. Invest your time and money wisely. Get your work noticed. Sell internationally. Share with a First Lady.[...]
Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) releases a two-volume report - designing for the dignity of people with dementia that includes 87 case studies from 27 countries.[...]
Curated article excerpts include medications that may speed up cognitive decline, legal and financial links, home-modification tips, self-care sabotage. [...]
Staying in bed or being bedridden for an extended time can have an adverse effect on your health. Here are five problems that may occur and tips to overcome them.[...]
How we care for ourselves impacts how we care for others. Four article excerpts help us take better care of ourselves while the fifth helps us plan for our future.[...]