Article excerpts—controversy over new Alzheimer's drug, elders who live longer, curb dementia risk, health insurance trends, and geriatrician learns caregiving.[...]
Abby Christensen, offers four tips for a DIY estate sale with a link to all eight including "display your items in rooms they would normally be found in."[...]
Excerpts for caregivers on topics from caregiver stress and a self-administered depression assessment to divorcing elders and technology for aging at home.[...]
Only caregivers understand the unique demands of each family's situation. In this guilt-ridden caregiver's case, a little help gave her a caregiver respite.[...]
Excerpts include discovering who were are, especially after caregiving; a GPS-enabled shoe insert to prevent loss; disorders leading to earlier Alzheimer's; and romance in assisted[...]
Excerpts include a holistic view of domestic abuse, Alzheimer's COVID risk is higher, retirees' top concern, predicting Alzheimer's, elder substance abuse, aging disgracefully.[...]
Clearday at Home™ is a new online community that offers caregiver support with meaningful activities and tailored exercises for people with dementia, and more.[...]
Article excerpts for busy caregivers include getting your new year off to a solid start with what worked in 2020; setting the stage for change; postponing dreams to declutter; and [...]
Do you want to write a caregiver book? Do you want it published? Do you want to touch caregivers’ lives with your words of hope from your own experience? If so, follow steps [...]
Seven article excerpts for caregivers include bringing joy to elders' lives through virtual reality, preventable risk factors for dementia, the scoop on social security, and the re[...]