Family caregiver asks how to handle it when her mother challenges her answers and doesn’t trust that she has her best interests. Caregiver Question My mom lives with us and h[...]
Family caregiver asks about memory care for Mom: I have been a caregiver for my mom for 5 years. I have health issues which concern me. My husband and I are looking for Memory Car[...]
Long-distance Caregiver in Ontario, Canada asks: How do I go about having my 93-year old aunt with dementia assessed? She does not want to leave her home. Yet, her neighbors (who r[...]
Long-Distance Caregiver Asks What can I do as a long-distance caregiver when my mom won’t bathe and my dad won’t persuade her? Also, how do I deal with my anger in these situations[...]
A caregiver writes: Why do I feel so tired and feel bad that I am tired. I have been taking care of my husband for over a year and a half, I have not had any help … Maybe you[...]
First there was The Horse Whisperer then The Dog Whisperer and The Ghost Whisperer. I wonder when we will see The Cat Whisperer. Oh wait, there’s Jackson Galaxy. And now, the[...]
How do I help my husband who keeps losing his car keys, wallet, and phone charger? I’m not much better; I keep losing small bottles of hand sanitizer. As caregivers for peopl[...]
You don’t. We get ourselves in too much trouble when we pretend to do anything. Being honest helps us live more in line with the facts of our life — we forgot a person&[...]
Brenda Avadian, MA, Caregiver Spokesperson and Coach answers three questions from colleague, Don Grimes of the Women’s Long Term Care Project. [TCV update 11/30/2023: This [...]
How do you keep going when life gets you down? Wishing for an easy life is not the answer. Imagine if LIFE were truly easy. You’d get up in the morning when you wanted. After[...]
Updated January 2021 + July 9, 2014 Ask TCV: How do I write a book to help others learn from my caregiving experiences? How do I get it published? (These questions consolidate care[...]
Maybe. To know for sure, follow the advice of experts and those who have walked in your shoes. When you walk upon the road of caregiving do you have directions? “Is there eve[...]