The Caregiver's Voice four article excerpts—a free resource for making the sauce for people with dysphagia, caregiver support at work, brain stimulation, and….[...]
Sleeping with socks in a cooler room may prevent night sweats and help you get a solid night of rest while helping your brain's glial cells delay dementia.[...]
This month's article excerpts include deciding when to die, predicting dementia risk, chatbots' vs doctors' empathy, and dental care for people with dementia.[...]
Revisiting the need for Long-Term Care Insurance—will you need it? Should you get it? How many years on average do people need to pay for care? The details.[...]
An NZ architect finds inspiration in the Dutch designs for dementia care, blood test for Alzheimer's, preventing falls, ASA's "Dementia and Living Well" [...]
Vitamin D and Dementia, Cognitively Accessible Public Transportation, Brain Aging across the Lifespan, Online Scams, Caregivers Say “No,” Doctors and Caregivers[...]
Seven excerpts: two life views, boomers living alone, nursing homes closing, dementia signs, exercise delays MCI, and cyclic breathing for stress reduction.[...]
Flavonols reduce cognitive loss as does a recently approved Alzheimer's drug. Reverse aging—researchers have found the clue. Alzheimer's shadowing.[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice will be on a hiatus until late January 2023. I will be departing Friday to volunteer with the American Red Cross in El Paso, Texas. While much o[...]