Help Washington, DC hear the voices of people living with dementia CCAL-Advancing Person-Centered Living is working with the University of Buffalo-Institute for Person-Centered Car[...]
New Service to Prevent People with Dementia from Missing Medications* Are you a caregiver for a loved one with dementia? Do you fear your loved one is not taking his or her pills c[...]
No one told me, that aging is cumulative! That means the older we get the greater the impact of whatever we do. Overeat? The pounds will accumulate drastically. Have an extra drink[...]
Comfort food for Caregivers by Chef Tinky In addition to other jobs, caregivers are often called upon to put food on the table for their companions and themselves. While caring for[...]
…even if we have to clean. Is it springtime yet? It’s gotta be there somewhere under all the snow in the Midwest and Eastern U.S.! Despite the unusual weather we[...]
Are we ready for a blood test predicting Alzheimer’s? This is GREAT! After all, it casts light on what we need–greater awareness of dementia, which was identified recen[...]
Having “The Talk” with your parents Guest article by Attorney Christine Brown Although there may be several awkward “talks” we have with our parents in our [...]
When do you have the talk? No, not that talk! When do you have the talk with your parents about their estate plan? Answer: Now. When my husband and I created our estate plan a deca[...]
After gestating for months, the embryo of our book on STUFF (clutter) has developed and is ready to be born. Please JOIN my book husband (co-author), Eric Riddle and me as we enjoy[...]
If this article looks familiar, it’s from our February issue of The Caregiver’s Voice Newsletter. Since today is Valentine’s Day, here is a republication of the o[...]
Guest post by Omar Metwally, MD Health tech isn’t just a buzzword anymore. It’s a movement that’s promising to make patients’, caregivers’, and doctors’ lives easier. It’s supposed[...]