What a good fortune I had to share a message of connecting with others (for support) in order to move from surviving to Finding the JOY in Alzheimer’s on HuffPost Live –[...]
To do your best at this perceptual exercise, first take a deep breath, exhale slowly. Repeat. Sit back. Relax. I speak from many years of experience suffering test anxiety. Ready?[...]
Remember what our parents taught us? LIFE is about learning lessons as we go along. Often times, our teachers are our elders. But what about those moments when young people–c[...]
How to find help if you are caring for a loved one during any stage of a serious illness Guest article by Diane E. Meier, MD If you are caring for someone with a serious medical co[...]
On Mother’s Day this Sunday, do more for your mom than just send flowers, says the National Association of Areas on Aging in Washington, DC. Call Mom To really see how Mom is[...]
Be STRONG enough to stand alone, SMART enough to know when you need help, and BRAVE enough to ask for it. I don’t know who to credit for these three lines of advice, but thes[...]
Are you receiving our monthly newsletter? The Caregiver’s Voice Newsletter brings you an overview of the month’s articles with easy-to-click-on titles and images. What&[...]
“I want to go home,” says Norrms McNamara who lives with dementia. Guest post by Norman McNamara We have all heard people with Dementia say it, “I want to go home[...]
WE DID IT! We had a successful BOOK LAUNCH for Eric Riddle’s and my newest book entitled, STUFFology 101: Get Your Mind Out of the Clutter. Am I proud? Ya’ betcha! (Tha[...]
Help Washington, DC hear the voices of people living with dementia CCAL-Advancing Person-Centered Living is working with the University of Buffalo-Institute for Person-Centered Car[...]
New Service to Prevent People with Dementia from Missing Medications* Are you a caregiver for a loved one with dementia? Do you fear your loved one is not taking his or her pills c[...]