Caregiver, Seek RESPITE if even for Five Minutes Caregiving martyrs are not heroes. We only have so much energy to give each day. And caregiving martyrs rarely survive long enough [...]
A young caregiver, now 18 years old, reflects on her commitment to care for her grandmother at an early age. (TCV Ed.) A Commitment to Care Guest article by Leah Bender When the to[...]
Each week, Alzheimer’s, dementia research, and caregiver-related articles fill my inbox. I consider publishing a handful with comments, an excerpt, and a link to the original[...]
Anosognosia? Guest article by Sarah Schwarcz Memory loss, whether it’s from Alzheimer’s or dementia, is difficult for both those living with it and for those they love.[...]
Interview with caregiver expert Sometimes, it’s a good idea to step back and reflect. This is one of those times, when I answer six questions regarding caring for aging paren[...]
It’s OKAY to feel frustrated and even angry. Feeling angry as a caregiver is normal; however, you hold the potential to inflict unintentional harm without an appropriate outl[...]
When I began as a caregiver for my father who was initially diagnosed with dementia and then with probable Alzheimer’s, few people spoke publicly about caregiving and dementi[...]
Meet your care recipient where s/he is. Remembering what you learned about your loved one’s disease or illness (Caregiver Tip #1) and with strength from support from other ca[...]
Among the Caregiver Tips, I’ll be sharing during the year; consider this a Bonus Caregiver Tip. BONUS Caregiver TIP: ASK QUESTIONS even if you think you know the answer. Eve[...]
Tips for Transitioning Seniors with Cognitive Disorders Guest article by Chris Semen There comes a time when our elder loved ones need to consider a home transition–whether i[...]
Transforming Healthcare for Seniors and their Caregivers through Technology Guest Article by Kimberly O’Loughlin Today’s health care environment can be confusing and complex for se[...]
Caregivers need support After you learn as much as you can about your loved one’s disease or illness (Tip #1 for Caregivers), remember you’re not alone. The second tip [...]