The Alzheimer’s Association offers tips to help families reduce tensions and stress. Guest article by Monica Moreno Receiving an Alzheimer’s diagnosis is never easy. It[...]
What to Do When You Suspect an Alzheimer’s Misdiagnosis While a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is a life-changing event for those diagnosed and their families, it is not always accurate.[...]
A couple months ago, we featured a guest post, Want to Remember? Break Your Routine. The idea was to keep our minds agile and fresh by doing things differently. As I get older and [...]
The Elder Health Tree: A Resource for Healthy & Happy Aging Guest article by Justin Schein One day, we may find ourselves in the challenging role of caregiver. If life unfolds [...]
Almost daily, there’s an article about how poorly prepared we Americans are for retirement. Sure, we may not be the best savers on the planet; but sometimes, our long-term pl[...]
While The Caregiver’s Voice is more likely to focus on an article about caregivers and guilt, we recently collaborated with Homewatch CareGivers on a piece about loved ones[...]
Mix Up Your Daily Routine Guest article by Christina Chartrand It happens to the best of us – you drive home from work and don’t even remember making the trip. You leav[...]
As a caregiver, it’s very easy to forget about taking care of yourself when you are laser-focused on taking care of another person. Frequently, caregivers have too much on their pl[...]
How Busy Caregivers Manage Time Spent Preparing Pureed Meals in a Dysphagia Kitchen Sponsored Article by Diane Wolff At Essential Puree, we discovered a wide range of needs for the[...]
Family members, including caregivers, often feel mixed emotions after a loved one dies on a holiday. It can be Christmas, New Year’s, Thanksgiving, or even April Fools’ Day. [...]
When a parent or spouse is diagnosed with dementia, fun and games are far from most people’s minds. Believe it or not, a popular tabletop game can actually slow cognitive decline. [...]
Aging in Place and Reconsidering Bathing A major challenge for caregivers, especially those caring for loved ones with dementia is bathing. Difficulties with bathing and toileting [...]