Mom (or Dad) is Moving in With Us I would never place Mom in a nursing home! Mom and Dad raised me. The least I can do is help Dad, now that he’s alone. This is a topic no on[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice curated article excerpts looks at the value of relationships among people with dementia, traits of women leaders and caregivers, a new definition of Alz[...]
Alexandra (Alex) Denham, PhD student at the University of Newcastle in Callaghan, New South Wales (Australia) is leading the study, “Caring for those who care: A global survey of t[...]
Guest article by Lydia Dali Inspired by those who want to give back to people living with dementia and to their caregivers, the Sente-Mente® model, created in Italy in 2014, makes [...]
This month’s curated articles for caregivers for people with dementia feature four excerpts: Northwestern Mutual’s C.A.R.E. Study – nearly half of future caregive[...]
Family caregivers and caregiving professionals are a lot like mortar. While there’s far more to caregiving than cement, sand, lime, and water, caregivers hold together the br[...]
I was browsing for a new pair of hiking socks, at the back of a discount sporting goods store when an older man and woman settled nearby. I looked up when I heard the woman exclaim[...]
This month, our curated article excerpts for caregivers for people with dementia look at research regarding caregivers’ concerns, slowing the loss of executive function among[...]
Attention-spans are declining – mine too! When I lose focus after intense periods of concentration, I start flitting from one thing to the next. Sometimes, Facebook offers momentar[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice is launching our second initiative for our 20th Anniversary. Starting this month, we’ll post excerpts of articles from the Tree of Knowledge for c[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice New RESOURCES Directory… includes an alphabetical list of U.S.-based and International Caregiver Resources. Click on: RESOURCES for Caregivers for[...]
Caregiver Tips for Getting through the Holidays Guest article by Carole Mulliken, MEd I have dementia. Sumptuous holiday dinners with a huge family are traditions of the past. I co[...]