It’s National Family Caregivers and Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. For over two decades, the U.S. has taken the initiative to recognize family caregivers and raise awaren[...]
As I reflect upon our 20th Anniversary online while working with caregiving families for people with dementia, I’m happy to see media covering more dementia and caregiving to[...]
This month’s Curated Article Excerpts for Caregivers include AI invading your privacy via your DNA, “Chewable Water” for people with dementia, another creative in[...]
The benefits of healthcare go beyond patient convenience. Telehealth is a way to supplement healthcare, public health, and health education delivery and support by using telecommun[...]
In 1996, after my father was diagnosed with probable Alzheimer’s, there were only 3.8 million people living in the U.S. with dementia and about 16 million, worldwide. Twenty-[...]
Women Caregivers – Disproportionate Share [TCV Update 11/30/2020: The title URL no longer links to the intended content.] Worldwide, women provide 71% of care hours and many,[...]
Curated Article Excerpts include - the CHANGE Act; Depresson's lesser-known evil twin, Acedia; Leukotrienes; Herpes, and Having too many Interests. [...]
While celebrating Independence Day with your family and friends, observe to see how loved ones are faring. Studies show that many of us want to live in our own homes and remain as [...]
The Caregiver’s Voice curated article excerpts in June features Perennials, not seniors or elders; how to live well in your own home in your “perennial” years; an[...]
It’s a conversation no family wants to have, but one that is vitally important – talking to a loved one about memory loss or cognitive decline. Guest article by the Alzheimer’[...]
After months and even years of consideration, The Caregiver’s Voice recently took two more initiatives during our 20th Anniversary. Secure Browsing Experience Since the all-[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice features five curated-article excerpts this month, including tips for caregivers, declining assisted living numbers, women’s finances in retiremen[...]