Caring for Aging Parents is NOT a Family Affair Two in five caregivers care for or have cared for a parent. Only one in 10 (of the 83% who have siblings) say they share equally in [...]
Signs It’s Time to Move Your Loved One into a Care Facility Guest article by Ashley Uhler Many caregivers for people with dementia want to care for their loved one at home. H[...]
Exercise, Not Pills to Prevent Alzheimer’s We can do the “hard” work now with the goal of prevention. Or we can struggle finding ways to live our lives with demen[...]
There’s been a lot of attention paid to getting enough sleep. If we read enough of the published articles about sleep, five-hour sleepers are damaging their brains. By not al[...]
Like the wisdom contained in the heart of this 1,500-year-old Wally Waldron tree on Mt. Baden Powell in the San Gabriel Mountains, these curated article excerpts provide inspiratio[...]
This month, the Caregiver’s Voice focuses on excerpts of articles about reducing symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Like the wisdom contained in the cells of this 1,500-year-old [...]
Supplemental Long-Term Care Benefits Are Now Permitted in Medicare Advantage Plans Guest article by Danielle Kunkle Roberts Throughout our working lives, we know that someday when [...]
Kenneth H. Cooper, MD, MPH models the benefits of preventive care. His research has shown to decrease the incidence of Alzheimer’s by 36%. At about the time when our New Year’[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice article excerpts this month include a blood test that can determine when you will die, Lyft’s health-care impact, leaving a lasting gift, and why [...]
This month, The Caregiver’s Voice features curated article excerpts on the eight keys of truly confident people, learning with dementia, navigating life as an elder orphan, t[...]
In our fast-paced world with too much information, how do we sort through to get to the important stuff? The Caregiver’s Voice introduced Curated Article Excerpts during our [...]
A New Font that Boosts Your Memory Stephen Banham and his team created a new font to help people remember. Based at RMIT, a research university in Melbourne, the team named their f[...]