Among the Caregiver Tips, I’ll be sharing during the year; consider this a Bonus Caregiver Tip.
BONUS Caregiver TIP: ASK QUESTIONS even if you think you know the answer.
Even if you know the answer, ask the question.
Life is constantly changing and what we believe is the right thing to do one week could change the next.
Sometimes, I asked the same question, repeatedly.
No, not due to Alzheimer’s! 😉
I’ve learned that each person has a different idea or approach to caregiving.
Somewhere, in the sea of answers,
there is that one idea that makes sense for me.
Sometimes, I’d ask the same person the same question, because over time s/he sees things, differently.
On a related note, when you ask these questions of your loved one’s doctor or even yours, you help slow down the quickly proposed treatments that can be potentially harmful.
I kept asking questions of my father’s psychiatrist who became mildly irritated. But he slowed down enough to think through his initial hastily formed treatment plan. Instead, he prescribed a different antidepressant, found to have fewer risks when used by people with dementia. I weighed his mild irritation with my questions against my father’s life. Which would you choose?
Life is fluid. Learn from others as you try out different ideas until you find the one that works best for you.
Remember, you’re not alone. Follow Tip #2 and find a support group for caregivers. Who knows? These caregivers may end up becoming family. They became mine.
For more information search for: caregiver, Caregiver TIPS, ask questions, support group, Alzheimer