Last month I posted my Top Five Most-Viewed Caregiving Articles for sites including U.S. News & World Report Health,, and [TCV Update 11/22/2023: EzineArticles is no longer operational]. This month, I’ll share five more for a 2-part Top-10 List, including a couple interviews and a BONUS article.
U.S. News & World Report HEALTH
TOP 2 articles by page views that I write each month for U.S. News & World Report HEALTH.
The Best Gifts for Caregivers and Care Recipients
No matter the occasion, these physical and experiential gifts/services will be appreciated throughout the year by caregiver and care recipients. Tips on the types of physical gifts caregivers will appreciate including guidelines on experiential/service gifts from Lisa Price, MD for both the caregiver and care recipient. Chris Nichols shares a 3-minute YouTube video of an inspirational experiential once-in-a-lifetime gift: “Making my mom’s last wish come true!”
Caregivers: 4 Reasons Support Groups Will Be Your Lifeline
We have so little time in our lives as it is. But before you hit that point where you feel you can’t go on anymore, carve out time in your busy life to attend meetings with people who are walking the same caregiving road as you are. The right group of people will give you the strength to go on because they truly understand. Members of your support group, whether in person or online, will feel like your second family, bringing you some unexpected outcomes.
Bottom Line Personal
Caregiver Dementia is Real – Interview
Although caregiver dementia strikes over 100 million overwhelmed caregivers worldwide, it is reversible. This short interview includes four things caregivers can do to prevent this form of dementia.
The Obstacles of Alzheimer’s Caregiving – An Interview with Brenda Avadian
Highlights – obvious and not-so-obvious warning signs of my father’s Alzheimer’s, challenges of caregiving and rewards, advice for caregivers caring for one with dementia. UPDATE: We are in the process of evaluating whether to offer an updated 3rd edition. If you’ve read the 1st or 2nd edition, let us know what you found valuable.
Alzheimer’s Whisperer – 5 Keys
[TCV Update 11/22/2023: EzineArticles, where this article was published, no longer operational.] The Alzheimer’s Whisperer has the ability to communicate with, care for, and comfort a person with Alzheimer’s while preserving his/her own well-being. A unique individual in a world of caring for adults with dementia – the Alzheimer’s Whisperer provides guilt-free quality care without losing him/herself. Read the article for the five keys to being an Alzheimer’s Whisperer.
Because we all love bonuses, I included the following article for Homewatch CareGivers International, which has been bringing smiles to lots of people’s faces.
Fun Things to Do with Your Loved One
A half-dozen things to do with your loved one. Whatever you do, make it FUN for your loved one so that both of you will have joyous memories. [1/9/2024 TCV Update: Homewatch Caregivers URL no longer available.]