The KeepItTogether KIT includes a comprehensive booklet with the forms you need to gather the details of your healthcare information.
The KIT is a good tool regardless of your health. The idea is to keep all your healthcare details in one easy-to-manage place. It will also help keep you organized if you care for a person with an illness.
How quickly can you answer the following questions?
When was your last tetanus shot?
When did you last have an eye exam?
Are you allergic to any medicines?
What is your insurance ID number?
Had I known years ago about the Keep It Together (KIT), it would have saved me a lot of work and exasperation.
Keep It Together provides information and systems for organizing and maintaining personal records. — Keep It Together, LLC

Click here to Visit the Keep It Together KIT Website
The KIT gives us an easy way to keep track of our health history–all in one place.
Most of what this KIT provides Mom and I have already done after a lot of frustration and fumbling around. However, the KIT gave us ideas to improve our system.
- Mom and I carry a list of her medications, dosage, and frequency. This Kit provides a much better solution than ours with a nifty card that folds and fits in a wallet.
- There is an “In Case of Emergency” card for the refrigerator with a place for a photo. When the paramedics respond to a 911 call; if they find an unconscious person, they will know which medical information to use. We have an “In Case of Emergency” on our refrigerator, but I never thought of the photo.
- The KIT includes a “Contact Information” sheet with more than the typical information—such as, pharmacy, mail order pharmacy, insurance company, and ID number. Mom and I have these phone numbers and pieces of information, but I never put them all in one place. I was always hunting for this information.
Included in the KIT are blank forms for “Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Weight/Calendar,” separate forms for “Outpatient Notes” and “Inpatient Notes,” and a “Records Request” form. There is also an “If found please notify” card. The booklet has forms for an immunization schedule, medication, tracking for tests, allergy history, dental care, vision care, family history and a section to place one’s legal documents such as a living will and a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order.
The KIT itself is organized inside a colorful expandable plastic portfolio with eight clear plastic file folder slots for your paperwork. Two CD slots and a place for the “If found…” card. Blank sticky labels trimmed with yellow, green, red, and blue borders are included for the file slots. The inside slots are closed with a Velcro button and the whole portfolio is held together with the attached elastic cord.
We conveniently carry the KIT and Mom’s extra sweater, antiseptic wipes, and granola bars in the royal blue tote that comes with each KeepItTogether KIT.
Reviewed by Kathy Parenteau
TCV Guest Reviewer and Caregiver for her Mom with Cancer
Aileen Zsenyuk is a retired medical business manager who designed the KeepItTogether Kit to help the caregivers and patients organize and maintain their medical records. This is a manual system; no computer needed; thus, hacker proof. Elders who are still hesitant about using computers for the very private aspects of their lives will feel more comfortable with the KIT, which includes a portfolio with file slots and pockets for CDs and business cards, a history booklet, several forms for organizing and planning various health care encounters.