With all the digital offerings to coordinate schedules and caregiving To-Dos, sometimes it’s more efficient to have a physical (yes, paper) planner onsite for caregivers to easily access. Family caregivers and in-home caregivers have enough details to juggle. Being able to turn a page for a quick update on a loved one’s status and upcoming needs will ensure caregivers can address necessary care details in a timely manner.
My Caregiver Planner [11/24/2024: URL updated] is a thoughtfully designed quality-made spiral-bound book that makes the details of caregiving easier to review. It lays flat to the current week. There are even 12 monthly overviews throughout.
You can easily update the grocery list and track care needs. Medical appointment pages are included each week as are weekly tabs for tracking monthly expenses.
If you struggle to remember yet another username and password to gain access to an online scheduling and caregiver coordinating system, try this old-fashioned easy-to-use tool created by a United States Marine Corp veteran and veteran spouse caregiver.
You have 10 more months this year to improve how you track your caregiving duties.
Change starts now.
My Caregiver Planner Spiral-Bound 2025 edition [11/24/2024: URL updated]