People without dementia may have Alzheimer's-like experiences. Be aware and understand to reduce stigma. Tips to keep brains limber for World Alzheimer's Month.[...]
What is real? What if my father who lived with Alzheimer's saw his parents on the other side? What if hallucinations are gifts that people with dementia share?[...]
What's harder, serving as the POTUS or a loving caregiver for your spouse living with life-threatening illnesses, including a heart transplant and Alzheimer’s?[...]
We can help medical professionals be less ageist by being proactive in our own care and ensuring we communicate clearly our important healthcare needs.[...]
We have a choice—remain helpless or act. The world keeps revolving with or without us. Let us refuel with a caregiver respite—it can make all the difference.[...]
While there is not yet a cure for Alzheimer's and despite our aging population, the number of people living with Alzheimer's is lower than the estimated figures from two decades ea[...]
Caregiver, Linda Bauters's inspiring memories of her dad—opening for famous acts in Las Vegas and his gracious closing act living with dementia and Parkinson's.[...]
Caregiver, Linda Bauters, looks back on her Uncle Yonno’s legacy. Sebastian, better known as Yonno, was born on February 26, 1915 in Detroit, Michigan. There were twelve memb[...]