Researchers (allegedly) 😉 at Harvard University’s School of Psychiatry developed this test of Mental Age.
Don’t feel bad.
Some days we feel older than other days. But remember, today, we’re dealing with far more information than ever before. It’s easy to gloss over things and even to forget.
What’s funny among caregivers who know their numbers is the test focuses initially on people over fifty and then suggests this is a test for Alzheimer’s. We know the average person with Alzheimer’s is well over sixty-five, not fifty.
I would guess if this test were administered to people under thirty, we’d find similar results. Who knows a twenty-something or teen who can focus and concentrate for any period of time?
Earlier this week, I sent a third request to a twenty-something to call me. Not having her telephone number, I asked her to leave a message with her telephone number and time zone. She called and left a message (paraphrased loosely): If you feel like returning my call, please do. Then she didn’t leave her number or her time zone! SIGH. Some of us remain old fashioned with a landline. And those of us based in a rural area don’t always have access to Caller ID.
Finally, we’d love to credit whoever designed this nice graphic. Please click to write to us. (The Internet is filled with FUN stuff shared with abandon and the original creator is long separated from his/her work.)
Wouldn’t it be funny if the person who created this were twenty something?