Former caregiver, Marion Riley witnesses a funny interaction between two residents in her story, “Screaming Lady” in Finding the JOY in Alzheimer’s: When Tears ar[...]
Former caregiver Shirley Jenkins shared this funny Food Fight story in Finding the JOY in Alzheimer’s: When Tears are Dried with Laughter When my mother was diagnosed with Al[...]
Do you have any travel plans for the rest of the year? The late comedian, George Carlin, has visited places many places during his career, but his unique perspective of each of the[...]
Standing in long lines and waffles … hmmm, what do they have in common? I was stumbling through StumbleUpon when I came upon these Life Hacks — creative shortcut[...]
Claire Abel, The Caregiver’s Voice Caregiver of the Month, has been caring for her 103-year old mother for the past 16 years. What makes Claire (seated at left with one of he[...]
Caregivers share funny stories with mothers in Finding the JOY in Alzheimer’s: Caregivers share the JOYFUL times Except for the first, the mothers featured in these stories w[...]
Mem’ries – The way we are Enjoy this parody of Barbra Streisand’s hit, The Way we Were by Pulitzer prize winning cartoonist and animator Walt Handelsman [link to [...]
A tour bus driver is driving a bus load of seniors down a highway when he is tapped on his shoulder by a little old lady. She offers him a handful of peanuts. He accepts and gratef[...]
This performance couldn’t happen today … nope, not with the stepped-up security since 9/11. And that’s what makes this all the more funny. Hold on tight for rib-c[...]
Humor by Maxine – Let’s put all seniors in prison Seniors would have access to showers, hobbies, and walks. They would receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and [...]
It’s nice during the holidays to have someone be genuinely sorry for being short-tempered. ENJOY (TCV Ed.) Hi Sweetheart, I am sorry about getting into an argument about [...]
The local news station was interviewing an 80-year-old lady… She had just married for the fourth time. The interviewer asked her questions about her life, about what it felt [...]