The phone-based virtual support group from the Empowered Caregiver Network is back. Caregivers are invited to learn and support each other in a phone-based support group on Sunday,[...]
Why are there so few Alzheimer’s caregiver support groups for men in America? Guest Post by Eugene A. Conrad Is it okay for a husband to seek female companionship while his w[...]
When the weight of caregiving grows too much, and depression forces you to your knees, rise out of depression with your friends. Guest blogger and caregiver, Jay Kraker of The Empo[...]
CONGRATULATIONS Don Mc Cormick The Caregiver’s Voice Lewy body dementia Caregiver of the Month. Five people submitted nominations for Don. Each nomination begins with a numbe[...]
Care for the Changing Faces of Dementia takes a look at how caregivers can navigate the caregiving continuum. Part 1: The Visit We have little idea what’s ahead when a loved one ne[...]
Are you a caregiver? If so, the Empowered Caregiver Network needs your thoughts on your greatest challenges, your information needs, and how you prefer to have those needs filled. [...]
It’s time to come out of the closet. The sooner we admit to being a caregiver the sooner we can get help along the caregiving journey. I was in denial for three years while b[...]
2 CAREGIVER REMINDERS – this Sunday, April 29th and May 10th 1. VIRTUAL SUPPORT GROUP for CAREGIVERS JOIN US (Jay Kraker of Empowered Caregiver Network and me) this Sunday, A[...]
JOIN US next week Sunday, April 29th for an hour of Surviving, Thriving, and Finding JOY in Caregiving. Jay Kraker of The Empowered Caregiver Network hosts a monthly virtual suppor[...]
The last Sunday of every month, Jay Kraker of Empowered Caregivers, hosts a virtual support group for caregivers across the U.S. Jay has been a caregiver for more than 30 years for[...]
Eugene (Gene) Conrad, facilitator for a men’s caregiver support group, asked The Caregiver’s Voice if we knew of any other all-male caregiver support groups for Alzheim[...]
JOIN US as we celebrate caregiving and meet the challenges of caring for a loved one on The Dr. Carol Show [TCV Update 5/1/2022 The Dr. Carol Show is now Dr Carol Ministries Podcas[...]