Caring for your parents Guest article by Megan W. Minogue As our parents enter their elder years, they depend on us more and more for care and support. Here are five great ways for[...]
Kate Swaffer, co-founder, editor, and Chair of Dementia Alliance International (DAI) lives beyond dementia in Australia. Despite her first 18 months of sadness, which could have le[...]
Researchers (allegedly) 😉 at Harvard University’s School of Psychiatry developed this test of Mental Age. Don’t feel bad. Some days we feel older than other days. But r[...]
There’s been more discussion lately about the stigma of dementia and Alzheimer’s. The stigma takes root in the language we use, which shapes what we believe and then af[...]
Brad Swientoniowski shot a video featuring just 12 minutes of his father’s day. Daniel Swientoniowski, age 68, is a Vietnam veteran and retired Detroit police officer. He lives wit[...]
Last weekend, I enjoyed an opportunity to present the keynote at the 9th Annual Texas Face to Face Caregiver Festival where 350 caregivers and even some of their loved ones gathere[...]
The Family Guide to Aging Parents is a must-have resource for family caregivers and the professionals who help them. Carolyn Rosenblatt, RN, Elder Law Attorney offers an independen[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice will be launching a new column called VOICES with Dementia. During the latter part of the last century (mid-to late nineties), few voices of people with demen[...]
Norrms, as he’s affectionately known, has been living with dementia for over seven years. First diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and then later with Lewy body dementia, his w[...]
Each week, Alzheimer’s, dementia research, and caregiver-related articles fill my inbox. I consider publishing a handful with comments, an excerpt, and a link to the original[...]
Anosognosia? Guest article by Sarah Schwarcz Memory loss, whether it’s from Alzheimer’s or dementia, is difficult for both those living with it and for those they love.[...]
Maintaining dignity with dementia. This is what struck me while I viewed this video from The Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation Malaysia (ADFM). Sometimes, it takes a different c[...]