While The Caregiver’s Voice is more likely to focus on an article about caregivers and guilt, we recently collaborated with Homewatch CareGivers on a piece about loved ones[...]
Caregivers’ Use of Language Impacts Care Recipients Guest Article by Carole Mulliken A series of strokes landed Don in a very nice nursing home. His guardian sister who lived[...]
Despite my father’s diagnosis of dementia at age 86 and Alzheimer’s shortly thereafter, he was physically healthy. While he lived with us, I’d take him shopping. [...]
Time for a little FUN! It’s time we caregivers lighten things up a bit and start calling each other names. It’s okay. Really. When the going gets tough, forget calling [...]
“When my wife, Shannon, started explaining, it was one of the most eye-opening WOW moments,” Brian says when I ask him about his blog post entitled, Alzheimer’s has, at least, Two [...]
While The Caregiver’s Voice features Voices with Dementia, there are many whose voices are unheard because they are not yet ready to share with the world that they have been [...]
Like walking in the shoes of a person with dementia Innovative immersive videos enabling People Without Dementia (PWoD) to experience how a Person With Dementia (PWD) perceives and[...]
PhD candidate, Jessica Bibbo's research looks at care recipients and their interaction with pets... it may be beneficial if it encourages social and cognitive engagement.[...]
This 7-minute video, Person-Centered Matters: Making Life Better for Someone Living with Dementia, was originally released in December 2014 as a 16-minute video. I was surprised to[...]
Author Ronda Parsons serves as her mother-in-law’s devoted caregiver in Creating Joy & Meaning for the Dementia Patient. Nan’s mind is slowly slipping away due to dementia and [...]
Jan Ford – Frontotemporal Lobe Dementia is Only the Beginning Jan Ford is proof that a diagnosis of frontotemporal lobe dementia (FTD) is not the end of the world. After 22 y[...]
Five Tips to Help People with Memory Loss Downsize Guest Post by Chris Seman It can be overwhelming to help adults with memory loss and those with dementia, to downsize their home [...]