How to find help if you are caring for a loved one during any stage of a serious illness Guest article by Diane E. Meier, MD If you are caring for someone with a serious medical co[...]
Five Unknown Facts about Hospice Care Guest article by Diana Pirez, RN There is great confusion about the care delivered by hospice providers. Many think hospice care means the pat[...]
Tips from Clinicians across the Country for the Family Caregiver Guest post by Kate Jones, RN, MSN, CCM As the holidays shift into full gear, more than 65 million Americans (nearly[...]
Care for the Changing Faces of Dementia takes a look at how caregivers can navigate the caregiving continuum. Part 1: The Visit We have little idea what’s ahead when a loved one ne[...]
Hospice Tails: The Animal Companions who Journey with Hospice Patients and their Families by Debra L. Stang is a short easy-to-read book of 14 stories about hospice patients and th[...]
Saying Goodbye to Someone You Love is really a how to manual to deal with your own and others’ grief. For starters, Norine Dresser and Fredda Wasserman’s Chapter 12: Su[...]
Dear Caregiver, You have one more opportunity, before the start of the fall, to do something special for YOU this holiday weekend. Read the encore publication of 3 Tips for Caregiv[...]
How do we better understand when and where our loved ones feel pain if they can no longer express it in a way we understand? published an article, Dementia and Pain: How[...]
I am sixty something and Mom is in her eighties and living with breast cancer. She has decided not to receive treatment. So far Mom has no pain and I am living with her to enjoy th[...]
Darlene Merkler’s The Complete Resource Guide for Baby Boomers-Everything you need to know about caring for your parent is a regionally-originated compilation of articles us[...]