When a loved one passes on, they will not be forgotten so long as someone remembers ... Yes, the two-year anniversary is coming up. The tears are fewer and farther between nowadays[...]
Today’s MSNBC report on a study finding spouses of those with dementia are at an increased risk of getting dementia is a wake-up call to all caregivers. Caregiver Dementia T[...]
When a member of our community died two years ago, it was a major blow. He had been a cornerstone of our tiny enclave of tight-knit and aging-in-place families. His wife had moved [...]
Letter to Meg Whitman, Candidate for California Governor Dear Ms. Whitman, What is your position on CAREGIVERS in California? Reports are that since February when you began campa[...]
$100 million to assist families caring for aging relatives News reports are filled with the Obama administration trying to do damage control. The primary reason cited is votersR[...]