WEGO Health invited Shelley Webb and me to join Amy Goyer of AARP for an informative Twitter chat about caregiver experiences, resources, and caregiver tips. Who is a caregiver? Am[...]
Norrms, as he’s affectionately known, has been living with dementia for over seven years. First diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and then later with Lewy body dementia, his w[...]
What is it about guilt that causes some caregivers to suffer? What’s worse is some of us become paralyzed by guilt. How fair is that? It’s not. During the almost twenty years, I’ve[...]
A young caregiver, now 18 years old, reflects on her commitment to care for her grandmother at an early age. (TCV Ed.) A Commitment to Care Guest article by Leah Bender When the to[...]
Earlier this month I began writing for U.S. News & World Report. My first article was The Two Most Important Caregiver Tips. Caregivers for people with dementia are subject to [...]
Interview with caregiver expert Sometimes, it’s a good idea to step back and reflect. This is one of those times, when I answer six questions regarding caring for aging paren[...]
What will be the impact of Alzheimer’s and dementia on Baby Boomers? Over the last few years, there has been increasing media coverage of the aging Boomer population and the [...]
It’s OKAY to feel frustrated and even angry. Feeling angry as a caregiver is normal; however, you hold the potential to inflict unintentional harm without an appropriate outl[...]
Among the Caregiver Tips, I’ll be sharing during the year; consider this a Bonus Caregiver Tip. BONUS Caregiver TIP: ASK QUESTIONS even if you think you know the answer. Eve[...]
A Doctor writes – Treat Alzheimer’s with GRACE Guest article by David Bernstein, MD Recently, Gert brought her husband, Jeb, to my office to manage his Alzheimer’s dise[...]
Caregivers need support After you learn as much as you can about your loved one’s disease or illness (Tip #1 for Caregivers), remember you’re not alone. The second tip [...]
Caregiver Retreat for Health and Healing Guest article by Sharon Salzberg I’ve been leading meditation retreats for caregivers for many years. But no matter how many retreats I lea[...]