The Spiritual Life of a Caregiver Guest article by Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley One year ago, my caregiving journey ended as I washed my husband’s closed eyes and kissed his lifeless [...]
Guest article by ALTCP Caregiving for a family member can be a double-edged sword, bringing families together or tearing them apart. On the one hand, children who are caregivers ha[...]
Diana Nyad’s goal was to swim about 110 miles in the Gulf Stream waters between Cuba and the U.S. Unlike caregiving, which is often hoisted upon us in a time of crisis, this [...]
I can hardly remember my life before Mom came to live with us on December 3, 1996 at the invitation of my husband, Lyle. She was 87, but to her, age was just a number. It did not d[...]
Many family caregivers step into the world of caregiving after a crisis. It wasn’t until the Milwaukee County on Aging case worker called me that I realized my father’s[...]
Robert Vaughn best known for his role in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. co-stars with writer, director, and actress Victoria Negri in her debut film. Gold Star is a semi-autobiographical [...]
Caregivers are reminded to take time off. Caregiver respites make all the difference in the world – from an afternoon off to an extended weekend or even a week or more. Below[...]
The alpha and omega of finding the joy in caregiving Caregivers begin with good intentions. Some of us even shine brightly like a fire cracker against the night sky. To ensure surv[...]
Guest article by Barbra Cohn Caregiving is one of the hardest things anyone will do in a lifetime. Caregivers typically feel stressed, tired, and worried. When you spend hours each[...]
Sometimes, we get to know people who deserve more from life than they’re getting. Caregivers are one group of people whose role extends beyond what seems humanly possible. Yo[...]
Learning to Dance in the Rain – A Story of Unexpected Caregiving Guest article by Connie Goldman I met Julie and Tom shortly after Julie was diagnosed with younger-onset Alzh[...]
PhD candidate, Jessica Bibbo's research looks at care recipients and their interaction with pets... it may be beneficial if it encourages social and cognitive engagement.[...]