Guest article by Elisabeth Paine, Alzheimer’s Caregiver At the age of 42, I married a wonderful man. John was intelligent, competent, independent, and fun. We laughed a lot. [...]
Thank you for helping The Caregiver’s Voice Website and Blog be recognized as a FINALISTS in 2 categories of Senior Homes BEST of the Web (click on 2 links below): The Caregi[...]
When the world of caregiving descends upon your shoulders if you are not aware of what to expect, your experience will be a struggle. Elizabeth Tierney, author of Dignifying Dement[...]
The Ins and Outs of HEALTH CARE – What we can expect? On Thursday, February 16, a doctor, a Medicare recipient, and a caregiver advocate discuss healthcare issues that can be[...]
CONGRATULATIONS Tammy Campbell for being named The Caregiver’s Voice Caregiver of the Month of February, 2012! Nominated by friend DeAnn Higginbotham-White In 2007, Tammy had[...]
NOMINATE the Caregiver of the Month of March NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN for Caregiver of the Month Click on the link above to nominate The Caregiver’s Voice next Professional or Fa[...]
Ask TCV: How do I cope with compassion fatigue? TCV: It is difficult. It is like walking on the tightrope of care. As a professional (or family caregiver), you try to find that ma[...]
Brenda Avadian, MA, Caregiver Spokesperson and Coach answers three questions from colleague, Don Grimes of the Women’s Long Term Care Project. [TCV update 11/30/2023: This [...]
At the start of this year, I began a quest to do ONE NEW THING EVERY MONTH–something I’ve never done before. This was my version of a bucket list; starting empty, I fil[...]
Holidays give us a good reason to get together with family and friends. If we observe carefully, we may notice changes in our parent’s behavior, in his/her housekeeping, and [...]
Never say “NEVER” again, while caregiving through the holidays! JOIN US for a delightful discussion of how to ENJOY yourself during the upcoming holidays. Impossible? P[...]
This month, we celebrate the GIFTS of professional caregivers. When family caregivers are at the end of their rope, a professional caregiver can make all the difference! This mont[...]