Congratulations, June “Zoe” Kelly for being named The Caregiver’s Voice Caregiver of the Month. Zoe Kelly is The Caregiver’s Voice first Caregiver of the Mo[...]
This Sunday, October 3rd, from 2 – 4 pm, I will join selected authors of IWOSC–click on image to left for more information–to read from our respective books. I wi[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice seeks nominations for TCV’s October Caregiver of the Month. The Caregiver’s Voice will be recognizing caregivers–the silent heroes who[...]
Follow these three tips over Labor Day weekend and you’ll find your spirits uplifted by next week Tuesday morning. 1. Plan to spend some time with different family members or[...]
Martin Avadian's 100th Anniversary is on Sunday, August 22, 2010. At age eighty six, Avadian was diagnosed with dementia. His story is told in the book, "Where's my shoes?" My Fath[...]
Should your loved one continue driving? California's driver's license Medical Information Acknowledgment form will help facilitate discussion. Two areas stood out in the proc[...]
I have been thankful for a long time that I was born toward the end of the baby boom generation. With few exceptions (such as the financial mess we’re in), I believe the lead[...]
It’s one thing to deal with our own clutter (uh-hmm, possessions). What happens when we have to dispose of our loved one’s things? Holly Whiteside, author of The Caregi[...]
Alzheimer's disease--Four updates: sign petition and support a cross-country bike ride to raise awareness, consider participating in a clinical trial, and snort insulin for improve[...]