Husband to keep looking for a room to share with his wife. Family Caregiver, Sally in San Antonio, Texas, updates The Caregiver’s Voice (edited). (First, read Spouse with dem[...]
Spouse with dementia can’t share room in assisted living with well-spouse. Family Caregiver, Sally in San Antonio, Texas, writes to Ask the Caregiver’s Voice (edited). [...]
Thirty years ago, Ross Campbell’s wife, Pat, had cancer. She was diagnosed with paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration. Pat’s mental and physical functioning deteriorat[...]
…One Step at a Time There are 53 million “informal” caregivers in this country. These caregivers are not paid or considered professionals. Rather, they are extrao[...]
Once again, The Caregiver’s Voice invites Nominations for Caregiver of the Month in order to recognize deserving family and professional caregivers. As mentioned in an earlie[...]
Nominations are due the 15th of June for Caregiver of the Month (CotM) of July. Our theme for July: Finding the JOY in Caregiving. Also, our guidelines for Submit Your JOYFUL Careg[...]
Anthony Cirillo, Healthcare Marketing Strategist, has extended until June 20th a brief survey to determine interest in a smartphone app for caregivers. He invites all caregivers to[...]
Maureen has worked as the Daytrip program director for the Johnson Adult Day Program (JADP) in Denver, Colorado for more than twelve years and has touched hundreds of lives as a re[...]
IF YOU KNOW a comforting, kind, and FUNNY caregiver, NOMINATE him or her. IF YOU ARE one, nominate yourself. Self-nominations and nominations of professional or family caregivers a[...]
This is one in a series of articles following up on Make a Bucket List for the Year. How would you like to look forward to something exciting, new, and different every month? Creat[...]
Anthony Cirillo, Healthcare Marketing Strategist, is conducting a brief survey to determine interest in a smartphone app for caregivers. He invites all caregivers to complete the C[...]