Transforming Healthcare for Seniors and their Caregivers through Technology Guest Article by Kimberly O’Loughlin Today’s health care environment can be confusing and complex for se[...]
A Doctor writes – Treat Alzheimer’s with GRACE Guest article by David Bernstein, MD Recently, Gert brought her husband, Jeb, to my office to manage his Alzheimer’s dise[...]
Caregiver Retreat for Health and Healing Guest article by Sharon Salzberg I’ve been leading meditation retreats for caregivers for many years. But no matter how many retreats I lea[...]
Earlier this week, I had the good fortune of presenting I’m a Caregiver and I Matter at a Caregiver Survival Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Because we are careGIVERS, we[...]
Caregivers are one of the most stressed populations. Oh sure, there are EMTs, Emergency Room personnel, rescue workers, and firefighters, who manage through uncommon blazes in life[...]
Remember what our parents taught us? LIFE is about learning lessons as we go along. Often times, our teachers are our elders. But what about those moments when young people–c[...]
An Interview with Paula Spencer Scott – Author of Surviving Alzheimer’s The Caregiver’s Voice offers a twist to our REVIEW column with this interview with Paula S[...]
The Banana Test We’re barely into the New Year and are you already feeling STRESSED? You’d better take this FUN Stress test to see how you score. And, dear caregiver, i[...]
We’re just a few days from the end of the first month of 2014. How’s it going, caregivers? Are you falling into those pre-holiday stress-laden habits? It’s easy to slide back[...]
Caregivers who prepare now will feel peace while caregiving. Guest post by Shanon Raynard As a caregiver, you are well acquainted with what it’s like to feel overwhelmed. Every day[...]
Five Unknown Facts about Hospice Care Guest article by Diana Pirez, RN There is great confusion about the care delivered by hospice providers. Many think hospice care means the pat[...]
Stress remains a constant companion in our lives. Stress is what keeps life adventuresome. Yet, caregivers are especially vulnerable to the damaging health-effects of ongoin[...]