The Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Act draws attention to greater NIH funding directed to Alzheimer’s. The Alzheimer’s Association makes it easy for you to have YOUR VO[...]
Nominations are due the 15th of June for Caregiver of the Month (CotM) of July. Our theme for July: Finding the JOY in Caregiving. Also, our guidelines for Submit Your JOYFUL Careg[...]
IF YOU KNOW a comforting, kind, and FUNNY caregiver, NOMINATE him or her. IF YOU ARE one, nominate yourself. Self-nominations and nominations of professional or family caregivers a[...]
This is one in a series of articles following up on Make a Bucket List for the Year. How would you like to look forward to something exciting, new, and different every month? Creat[...]
About five years ago, I hiked up to the top of Mt. Baden Powell. A four-mile hike up to 9,400 feet the trail features about 40 switchbacks. The night after the hike and while my hu[...]
Want to add excitement to your daily grind? You can. Choose to have one new experience every month. After failing, for two years, to live by my Keep It Simple (KIS) theme, when 201[...]
To better serve The Caregiver’s Voice nominee finalists and selection committee, we are moving the due date earlier— from the 20th to the 15th of every month. This will[...]
Baby Boomers have been credited with and blamed for many things over the years including free thinking to outright greed. During the years following World War II–from 1946 to[...]
Ask TCV: How do I safely dispose of my expired prescription medications? TCV Answers: In a nationwide program, you can safely dispose of expired medications or those you no longer [...]
ASK The Caregiver’s Voice (TCV) My doctor always seems rushed. I feel he doesn’t fully understand my symptoms. How can I make sure he understands then takes time to ans[...]
Instead of sharing the Easter holiday with my husband’s family as we typically do, I asked David if we could stay at home to be near my father. He agreed. I felt a little sad[...]