Immigrant Parents’ Money Management Lessons My parents immigrated to America for a better life. My father arrived with his mother through Ellis Island in 1920. My mother arri[...]
Healthcare Lessons from Both Sides of the World While we address healthcare coverage here in the US, there are a few lessons we can learn from two families – one along the ea[...]
The Alzheimer’s Association offers tips to help families reduce tensions and stress. Guest article by Monica Moreno Receiving an Alzheimer’s diagnosis is never easy. It[...]
Each person I’ve interviewed for this Voices with Dementia column surprises me. Before Brian LeBlanc, who also lives with dementia, referred me to Nancy Nelson, he wrote, “We’re al[...]
It’s not funny! Well, as a matter of fact, it is! Caregiving can be so intense at times, we’ll crack, if we don’t crack up. Caring for a loved one with dementia; in my case, my fat[...]
While The Caregiver’s Voice is more likely to focus on an article about caregivers and guilt, we recently collaborated with Homewatch CareGivers on a piece about loved ones[...]
Tracy Mobley grew up tending pigs and crops on a farm near Cabool, Missouri. She married her high school sweetheart and moved to Oklahoma. Within a few years, he began abusing her [...]
Facebook – Memory aid for Alzheimer’s? Facebook (FB) has a feature that reminds users of their status update from a year or more, ago. The reminder occurs on the annive[...]
Gotta love the human spirit that refuses to be beaten! After a misdiagnosis of epilepsy, Australian-based Mick Carmody writes, “I was diagnosed with a common form of dementia in pe[...]
When a parent or spouse is diagnosed with dementia, fun and games are far from most people’s minds. Believe it or not, a popular tabletop game can actually slow cognitive decline. [...]
Despite Dementia, Michael O’Brien Smiles Twenty-one years ago, when I became a full-time family caregiver for my father with dementia, few people talked openly about living w[...]
Dementia is not choosy. It clings to the lives of diverse people, from the professional worker to the manual laborer, from the celebrity to the person living a private life. Such i[...]