Brenda Avadian, MA, The Caregiver’s Voice – featured guest
Sampling of shows. [Updated: 7/8/2018]
Caregivers Need Love, Too – Caregiver SOS with guest Brenda Avadian
While The Caregiver’s Voice celebrates our 20th Anniversary, gerontologist Carol Zernial and co-host Ron Aaron talk with Brenda Avadian about the changes we’ve seen over the past two decades. We’ve made a lot of progress in caring for loved ones with compassion. We’ve learned a lot thanks to the VOICES with Dementia about providing purpose and preserving dignity. Interview begins at 14:05 -40:00 (February 13th, 2018)
Helping Mom and Dad Downsize STUFF
How do you downsize 45 years of your parents’ stuff? Approaches to help Mom and Dad downsize without offending them; especially, with Depression-era accumulations. Interview on Caregiver SOS with co-hosts Ron Aaron and Carol Zernial, Gerontologist and Executive Director of WellMed Charitable Foundation. Interview begins at 13:40 and ends at 38:33. (July 31, 2016)
The Roller Coaster Ride of Caregiving
What caregiving has been like through the years. Includes 3 Caregiver Tips and definition of caregiver dementia. Interview on Caregiver SOS with co-host Carol Zernial, Gerontologist and Executive Director of WellMed Charitable Foundation Twenty-five-minute interview begins at 13:50 and ends at 38:55. (October 2015)
Caregivers’ Stories Dealing with Alzheimer’s
HuffPost Live Video Interview June, 2014 Brenda Avadian with Amy Newmark, Editor in Chief of the Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living with Alzheimer’s, and Caregiver blogger, Nancy Wurtzell. Host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani. (Click to view post only. Video no longer available.)
The Five-Minute Respite
Dear Caregiver,
Sometimes all you need is a five-minute respite to prevent a “state-mandated vacation” (behind bars) for doing something you’ll regret. FUNNY three-minute video excerpt from Brenda Avadian’s May 2014 keynote in Santa Clarita, California.
“Can I SURVIVE as a CAREGIVER?” You’re not alone
Northwoods Radio WJJQ in Wisconsin Morning Forum 20 minutes October, 2013 (Click to download MP4.)
Awareness of dementia-related diseases
Common Sense Caregiving, Video September 2013 Brenda Avadian with with Harry Urban, Founder of Forget Me Not, and Donald Mc Cormick Caregiver of his wife. Host Gary Joseph LeBlanc. (Click to view video on Vimeo.)
The following indented shows are a series of interviews on The Dr. Carol Show, which is now Dr. Carol Ministries. [UPDATED 5/20/2023: Two URLs are no longer available]
Long-term HEALTHCARE options and affordability
Brenda Avadian, MA appeared on the Dr. Carol Show on SiriusXM Ch. 131 (Link to interview begins 15 min. into program.)
Caregiving – Thriving and Finding JOY
Jay Kraker of The Empowered Caregiver Network and Brenda Avadian, MA were Dr. Carol’s guests her new weekend show. (Link to audio 30 minutes.)
OCCUPY HEALTHCARE – Where are we going?
Carol Peters-Tanksley, MD and Al Tanksley, Medicare Recipient of the Dr. Carol show and Brenda Avadian, MA, of conduct a three-way discussion of the future of Health Care — insurance and billing practices and knee-jerk policies that hinder care. (Interview begins about 30% into the segment.)
Navigating the Holidays with Caregiving JOY
Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley interviews Brenda Avadian, MA, of on creative yet simple approaches to find joy during the holidays and do less work.
Challenges and Celebrations of Caring
Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley interviews Brenda Avadian, MA, of with Barbara Gaughen-Muller, caregiver for her late husband, the Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, and Jay Kraker, caregiver for two decades for his wife and host of the monthly virtual caregiver support group at
Finding JOY through the Tears
Dr. Carol interviews Brenda Avadian, MA, of and Tiffany of the Alzheimer’s Association in Tennessee. Brenda quickly weaves three tips with stories in this 13-minute segment
Dr. Carol: Thank YOU, Brenda and Tiffany. It was a wonderful segment! The message was hope-filled, encouraging, and just what will make a difference.
Finding JOY through the Tears — Hope and JOY for Caregivers
Carol Peters-Tanksley, MD, interviews Brenda Avadian, MA, of Brenda tells stories of how she finds the JOY and even LAUGHS through the tears while caring for her father Alzheimer’s disease. She offers three important tips.
Dr. Carol: Thank you so much for being on our program today! It was a wonderful topic, you’re a great communicator, and I know this made a difference for our listeners. I hope we can keep in touch with you. This is a wonderful topic, and we need to address it every so often…we’d love to have you on our am program as well.
Empowered Caregiver Network – National Support Group Featuring Expert Brenda Avadian, MA
[TCV Update 11/24/2019: URL no longer operational]
CARE for the Changing Faces of Dementia WJJQ – Tomahawk, Wisconsin, Friday, October 19, 2012. 18-minute interview with Brenda Avadian of The Caregiver’s Voice and Linda Schmidt of Bell Tower Residence [URL no longer operational.]
Empowering Family Caregivers Blog Talk Radio Show
Can I survive as a Caregiver? And is it too much to ask for a sprinkle of JOY? [3/5/2025 TCV Update: Blog Talk Radio ceased operations in January 2025.]
Susan Baida of eCareDiary interviews Brenda Avadian, MA in this fast-paced 30-minute show.
For a summary of topics covered visit: Can I Survive as a Caregiver? YES!
Webinar: Can I Survive as a Caregiver? …and is it too much to ask for a Sprinkle of JOY?
Brenda Avadian, MA conducts a Webinar (click on link above) for HealthCentral and Wellsphere in celebration of National Family Caregiver’s Month and National Alzheimer’s Awareness month in November. Also joining Brenda is Carol Wright, The Caregiver’s Voice’s Caregiver of the Month of November, who Finds the JOY while caring for her mother. [UPDATE: JustinTV, the platform on which Health Central recorded this webinar [] was shut down in 2014]
Radio Show: Can I Survive as a Caregiver? How can I find some JOY?
[3/5/2025 URL Unavailable BlogTalkRadio ceased operations on January 2025] Trudy Thomas and her listeners of the Living with RSD Radio show learn from guest Brenda Avadian, MA of The Caregiver’s Voice, how to survive caregiving and even find a sprinkle of JOY in this fast-paced hour show.
Thank you so much; it really is a great topic of interest to many people. The reviews have all been very positive.
The Guiltless Senior Housing Decision
[3/5/2025 URL Unavailable: BlogTalkRadio ceased operations in January 2025]
Noted Author and Caregiver offers provocative insight.
BlogTalkRadio Interview with host, Mr. Elder Care
You are the most well-planned guest I’ve ever had on a show. Thanks for making me look so good on the show today! You make a terrific guest.