Brenda Avadian in the Media
The Top 5 Caregiving Experts to Follow on Twitter
Caring Village
ICYMI: A Shout Out to Only-Children Caregivers
Gary Stern interviewed The Caregiver’s Voice for this article featured on Next Avenue. “…only children who have to be caregivers face a different burden compared to those who were raised in a family with one or more siblings….”
Nursing Homes Face Virus Dilemmas
NTD (New Tang Dynasty) News television interview
Employees may still come to work even though they have a sniffle. Unknowingly, they can spread the virus far and wide, endangering aging and fragile loved ones.
Top 20 Dementia YouTube Channels to Follow in 2018
Feedspot’s Top 20
Caregiver, You Matter (and more topics for caregivers for people with dementia)
U.S. News & World Report Health Brenda Avadian’s article page
9 Women Share What it Feels Like to Lose Your Hearing
Avadian says, “When I was 6 years old, my mother whispered something in my left ear and I did not respond.” What’s it like to only hear from one ear? For one thing, there’s no directional hearing. If I ask you, “Where are you?” Replying “Here” won’t help. You need to tell me, “In the kitchen.”
Raising Difficult Health Topics with Older Parents Over the Holidays
NewsMax Health
Observe how mom and dad are doing,” says author and caregiver expert Brenda Avadian. “Are they participating in the conversation, or remaining quiet? Does their home appear neglected? Are they keeping up with their bills?” If they’re healthy, alert, still driving a car, and otherwise living on their own, …
What Causes That “Old-Person Smell”?
We know it when we smell it, though it can be hard to describe, and even harder to talk about. Sometimes we describe it as musty, sometimes as medicinal, sometimes — sadly — we just find it vaguely unpleasant. But what causes that “old-person smell”?
Ask the Experts: Tips Every Caregiver Should Know
Advice for caregivers that never grows old.
Remember to ask for help, meet your care recipient where they are, take a respite for self-care (even a car won’t run far on fumes), and more. [TCV Update 11/21/2022: URL to server cannot be found.]
Why a Back-Up Care Plan is Essential
GreatCall Currents – Health & Wellness feature “Have a Plan B in place with caregivers ready to fill in when Plan A falls apart.” February, 2016
Caregivers’ Stories Dealing with Alzheimer’s.
HuffPost Live Video
Brenda Avadian with Amy Newmark, Editor in Chief of the Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living with Alzheimer’s, and Caregiver blogger, Nancy Wurtzell. Host Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani.
“Can I SURVIVE as a CAREGIVER?” You’re not alone.
Northwoods Radio WJJQ in Wisconsin Morning Forum 20 minutes
Awareness of dementia-related diseases.
Common Sense Caregiving, Video September 2013
Brenda Avadian with Harry Urban, Founder of Forget Me Not, and Donald Mc Cormick Caregiver of his wife. Host Gary Joseph LeBlanc.
Steps to Protect Finances of Those with Alzheimer’s
By Tamara E. Holmes Published September 24, 2013 [Date updated to March 6, 2016] [2/20/2018 Updated link and date of article]
“How to find the best doctors” on Huffington Post.
The BoomertoBoomerOnline Daily
Featured several times a week. [7/16/2024 TCV Update URL no longer available.]
Top 34 Blogs for Live-In and Home Care Nurses
The Caregiver’s Voice is listed as #2
TCV UPDATE 1/28/2022: URL continues to experience a time-out.
The Caregiver’s Voice Blog named a FINALIST among Best Senior Living Blogs for “engaging, insightful blogs with caregiving advice, news, stories, and tips related to assisted living, home care, Alzheimer’s care, etc.”
Top 50 Aging and Gerontology Blogs
See under “Hospice and Elder Care.” A great resource for the media and caregivers!
Empowering Family Caregivers Blog Talk Radio ShowTop 50 Blogs About Alzheimer’s
See #29 under “Patient’s Rights.” A great resource for the media and caregivers!
Can I survive as a Caregiver? And is it too much to ask for a sprinkle of JOY? [3/5/2025 TCV Update: BlogTalkRadio ceased operations as of January 2025]
Susan Baida of eCareDiary: Brenda, it was such a pleasure having you as a guest on our show! You are dynamic, funny, and a wealth of information for family caregivers dealing with Alzheimer’s. Thank you for sharing your story and practical tips. I love how you warn families about your DUI (“Decision Under the Influence”)! We’d love to have you back on the show in the near future!
“The Guiltless Senior Housing Decision
[3/5/2025 URL Unavailable: BlogTalkRadio ceased operations in January 2025]
Noted Author and Caregiver offers provocative insight.
BlogTalkRadio Interview with host, Mr. Elder Care: You are the most well-planned guest I’ve ever had on a show. Thanks for making me look so good on the show today! You make a terrific guest.
How to Handle Hoarding (Feature story)
Book Review – Losing Clive to Younger Onset Dementia: One Family’s Story
The Lancet Neurology, Volume 8, Issue 5, Page 424, May 2009 [TCV Update 4/22/2023: URL updated to PDF of review]
Links no longer available to the following:
TCV Interview – Can Biomarkers Really Predict AD?
Alliance for Aging Research.
“One of the most refreshing books we found on the topic of Alzheimer’s….” featured November 29, 2011 in The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)
Reuters Money: As the Cost of Care Rises, Families Bear the Burden
Trying to predict what it’s going to be like to care for an elderly parent is like trying to see into the 17th dimension.
Fox Business: Meet the credit score perfectionists
Excerpt: When Brenda Avadian, founder of, out of Pearblossom, Calif., was applying for a car loan, her 849 score helped her secure top …
MSN MoneyCentral: Meet the credit score perfectionists [Link unavailable]
CARE for the Changing Faces of Dementia
WJJQ in Tomahawk, Wisconsin
MSNBC Interview: Money hiders risk a wealth of woes
[Updated 10/19/2017: Link no longer available]
Excerpt: Brenda Avadian, a 49-year-old caregiver advocate from Pearblossom, Calif., says “her heart stopped” when she found a packet of 30-year-old U.S. savings bonds shoved between two books while visiting her father.
How Much Will a Paid Caregiver Cost for My Aging Parents?
“Simple companionship includes activities such as sitting with, talking, going to the park or museum, and sharing lunch,” says Brenda Avadian, founder of The Caregivers Voice. “This can run as low as …”
Understanding the costs of care providers
Who’s taking care of the caregiver?
The Signal—Santa Clarita Valley
Career priorities sometimes need a life adjustment
Green Bay Press Gazette & Shreveport Times
Excerpt: It’s estimated that there are 56 million caregivers in the US and about half work part or full time, says Brenda Avadian of
20 Reasons to Adopt a Cat (From 20 Happy Pet Owners)
See reason #15
3 Top Tips for Caregivers Audio interview
Alzheimer’s Team