Retired Special Education Teacher and Caregiver says: Take care of yourself first! My name is Judi and I am a caregiver for my 90-year-old mother who has Alzheimer’s and my 96-year-old father who is bedridden and unable to walk.* Both of my parents are incontinent and spend most of their days in a w[...]
Last week, we received an early Christmas present – we may be one step closer toward understanding the mystery of Alzheimer’s. The New York Times reports that a study has uncovered a different view of beta amyloid, one of the proteins charged with causing Alzheimer’s. Instead of th[...]
During the last few days before Christmas, each of us is reminded to be watchful of our surroundings when getting in and out of our car as thieves are ready to pounce. What happens when the thief is a senior citizen who could easily be mistaken for Betty White? A petite, elderly lady with finely coi[...]
Holidays can be the most joyous or stressful time of year on caregivers who perform the greatest and noblest deeds–caring for loved ones who can no longer care for themselves. Yet, when life’s stresses rise beyond description and you really need a break, follow these tips. You likely hav[...]
Thank you for helping The Caregiver’s Voice Blog be recognized as a FINALIST among Senior Best Senior Living Blogs “engaging, insightful blogs with caregiving advice, news, stories, and tips related to assisted living, home care, alzheimer’s care, etc.” Even though we wer[...]
In this edition of Ask The Caregiver’s Voice, you’ll find: caregiving tips, experiences with caregiver dementia, and the role of touch. The Role of Touch QUESTION: Can touch, whether it’s structured touch (e.g. massage), or unstructured touch (e.g. hand-holding, hugging), help Alzheimer’[...]
With as many as 10 million U.S. baby boomers at risk for developing Alzheimer’s¹, the Alzheimer’s Association® and Pfizer are collaborating to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with the disease. The Alzheimer’s Association and Pfizer have teamed up to launch the national i[...]
Guest columnist Constance Leshin writes about the early days of two of her long-time friends’ walk through Alzheimer’s. Ed. Alzheimer’s strikes Neuro-physiologist It was on an early Fall evening and I was standing outside in a small town in Northern California with two long-time friends,[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice seeks nominations for TCV’s first Caregiver of the Month in 2011. The Caregiver’s Voice recognizes caregivers–the silent heroes who provide comfort and care for our loved ones. Millions of caregivers worldwide provide quality care for loved ones, but the[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice has been nominated to 2 categories of Best of the Web contest, which highlights the best senior living and caregiving websites, blogs, and resources on the web for consumers and senior living professionals. The top nominee sites by popular vote will procee[...]
Today begins’s 7-day Progressive Blog Party. Join us today through Saturday, December 11th. It’s a cook-free party; instead of dishes, we’re sharing comfort and support. Throughout the week of December 5, we’ll stop by the blogs of family caregivers, dropping off holiday well-wi[...]
This brief video is a wonderful tribute to the young men and women of Middlebury College (Vermont) who have adopted Butch, a man with cerebral palsy. If you ever wonder if anyone would care, watch this video. It’s A Wonderful Life. For 50 years, generations of young people have been picking up[...]