About 30% of older adults have established a formal long-term care plan. One part of the planning process is to identify and understand the risks when an elder decides to move. Even vigilant caregivers and family members are unlikely to be aware of the new and emerging hazards Mom and Dad face when [...]
Dementia is not choosy. It clings to the lives of diverse people, from the professional worker to the manual laborer, from the celebrity to the person living a private life. Such is the case for Georgia-based pharmacist, Robert Bowles, Jr. Schooled in pharmaceutical sciences, he owned and operated a[...]
Guest article by ALTCP Caregiving for a family member can be a double-edged sword, bringing families together or tearing them apart. On the one hand, children who are caregivers have the opportunity to say “goodbye” over a period of time to parents who live with dementia. Caregiving can bring famili[...]
Dementia is not a natural part of aging. It is a disease like cancer, heart disease, and AIDS. With clever animation by the makers of Wallace and Gromit, viewers see the damaging effects of dementia upon an orange. Why an orange? An orange is about five ounces — the difference in weight betwe[...]
8 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity as a CAREGIVER When you’re out to eat and the server asks what you’d like to drink, say, “Diet water, please.” (Look as natural as anyone would while ordering a diet soda.) In the memo section of your checks, write, “for marijuana.” (If you can) Skip do[...]
Guest article by Visiting Angels When someone you love has dementia, coordinating professional care is rarely easy. Your loved one may be nervous, uncomfortable, or even resentful of a non-family caregiver. As your loved one’s primary caregiver, it’s likely you’ll share some of these concerns.[...]
Diana Nyad’s goal was to swim about 110 miles in the Gulf Stream waters between Cuba and the U.S. Unlike caregiving, which is often hoisted upon us in a time of crisis, this was Nyad’s lifetime goal. She failed in her first attempt at age 29. After age 60, she tried three times before su[...]
It’s been more than a year since The Caregiver’s Voice began the VOICES with Dementia column. When we wrote The Caregiver’s Voice will be launching a new column called VOICES with Dementia, we hoped to learn more about caring for people with dementia from those living with dementia. Afte[...]
If it weren’t for select dates on the calendar, caregivers would take no breaks. Like medical personnel, law enforcement, soldiers, utility workers, and more, there are no breaks during the holidays for caregivers. While some employees may benefit from the upside of working on these days; most[...]
How Can I Prevent Agitation in One with Dementia? Guest article by David P. Gill When a person first learns that either s/he or a family member has dementia, a slew of initial questions comes to mind — from “how fast does dementia progress” and “is it curable” to “can I drive with dementia” or “does[...]
Review of Book – Lessons learned from Mother Teresa A Gift of Love, the name of a hospice in New York City where Tony Cointreau devoted a dozen years of his life inspires key lessons for caregivers. In 1990, 49-year old Cointreau of the French orange-flavored liqueur family wanted more from hi[...]
Many of us take to the road or the air this time of year to visit friends and relatives. What happens when you are a caregiver traveling with a loved one? Guest article by Dr. Lisa Price While travel may be stressful, planning will ensure caregivers and loved ones manage successfully. On the Road, A[...]