Last November, I spent several nights in memory care at a residential care home. I went to the Northwoods of Wisconsin to present two keynotes and six workshops at three conferences in as many cities. The first conference was hosted by Bell Tower Residence (BTR) in Merrill. Hosts usually make hotel [...]
Wherever You Are – A Memoir of Love, Marriage, and Brain Injury by Cynthia Lim They met at age 18 while standing in line at college. Six years later, with their graduate degrees, they married and became VISTA volunteers. Afterward, they began their careers. As one of their careers took off, th[...]
Up until five years ago, I’d wake early on New Year’s Eve day to reflect on the year. What did I accomplish? What were my JOYs? What did I discover in hindsight that I could have done differently? I’d spend several hours reviewing my calendar to lay the foundation for the coming ye[...]
With people being diagnosed earlier and still able to speak about their experiences, The Caregiver’s Voice launched a new column called VOICES with Dementia in July of 2015. Since then, we featured 38 people in written and/or video interviews. In December of each of the last two years, we ove[...]
In our fast-paced world with too much information, how do we sort through to get to the important stuff? The Caregiver’s Voice introduced Curated Article Excerpts during our 20th Anniversary to help you digest diverse content quickly then click to learn more about what matters to you. Do you w[...]
The New Yorker presents, The Blessings of Aging. Thanks to video director, Jenny Schweitzer, these residents of a retirement community share their views on the upsides of getting older. It’s not what you think. These residents are feisty! Caution: Libido! Teenage rebellion! “I don’[...]
Thanks to author, Joshua Hehe*, a self-professed, prolific polymath (one with diverse sources of knowledge and interests), caregivers are able to enjoy some clever humor. The selections below represent fewer than half of Joshua’s list of highbrow humor he’s heard over the years: [TCV Up[...]
“You are too young,” each doctor said as Jeff Borghoff was diagnosed with illnesses unrelated to dementia caused by Alzheimer’s. One doctor even recommended meditation. A Geeky Nerd Before it was Cool Twenty years ago, Jeff was a technical architect. He developed computer software. When he reached t[...]
“A Memoir of Life, Love, and Caregiving” for a loved one after a paralyzing stroke. Kathi Koll lived the dream for six years with her real-estate developer husband before everything came to a screeching halt. He suffered a stroke – he would not walk, talk, or breathe on his own, ag[...]
A New Font that Boosts Your Memory Stephen Banham and his team created a new font to help people remember. Based at RMIT, a research university in Melbourne, the team named their font Sans Forgetica. “The font is based on the psychological principle of ‘desirable difficulty’ and improves memor[...]
RISE offers a meaty answer to today’s short-attention spans with 7- to 15-minute inspirational video interviews with people who have been knocked down in life and got up again. Resilience spokesperson, Cheryl Hunter, who at age 18, was abducted, raped, beaten and left for dead, conducts the in[...]
It’s National Family Caregivers and Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. For over two decades, the U.S. has taken the initiative to recognize family caregivers and raise awareness of Alzheimer’s during the month of November. During The Caregiver’s Voice 20th Anniversary, we are relea[...]