While we crave independence we do need to work together from time to time in the South African spirit of ubuntu - it could save a caregiver's life.[...]
Kayla The Comfort Doll had me smiling even before she made her debut. Late one evening, while visiting residents in the nursing home where my father lived, I heard an elder shout, “Children…where are the children?” Sitting erect in her bed she wanted to be sure “her children&[...]
Caring for Aging Parents is NOT a Family Affair Two in five caregivers care for or have cared for a parent. Only one in 10 (of the 83% who have siblings) say they share equally in caregiving defined as a combination of practical/personal care support, and emotional and financial support. Click for t[...]
Common Sense Musings – Caregivers’ Diet, Exercise, and Sleep* Want to lose weight? In a world of quick weight-loss programs, it took me six-years to lose 20 pounds. When I began in 2012, my motto was: Eat every meal as if it is my last. What took so long? A shift in how I view food. Inst[...]
Professional caregivers and family caregivers perform vital functions that often go unrewarded. As a society we must take steps to ensure caregiving is recognized, rewarded, and compensated appropriately. We’re all growing older and unless we fix this, we’ll suffer the consequences. Almo[...]
Signs It’s Time to Move Your Loved One into a Care Facility Guest article by Ashley Uhler Many caregivers for people with dementia want to care for their loved one at home. However, the needs of a loved one will sometimes surpass a caregiver’s ability. Contrary to the stereotyped image of isol[...]
Exercise, Not Pills to Prevent Alzheimer’s We can do the “hard” work now with the goal of prevention. Or we can struggle finding ways to live our lives with dementia. After years of not finding a cure, the Alzheimer’s Association and other agencies are focused on delaying or [...]
Size Doesn’t Matter – Mighty Small Does Nassim Haramein, founder of the Resonance Science Foundation* posted a video of the magnified impact of something so small it barely registers on the scale. A line-up of successfully larger dominos, is knocked down by a 1 x 5-millimeter tall (not e[...]
There’s been a lot of attention paid to getting enough sleep. If we read enough of the published articles about sleep, five-hour sleepers are damaging their brains. By not allowing enough rest, the brain’s glial cells are not able to finish their work cleaning out toxins that potentially[...]
This is the kind of “dirty” humor only caregivers will appreciate. In this case, the parties include two caregivers and a person with Alzheimer’s getting ready for church. Caregiver, Bruce Williams, shares his comedy of cleanliness. As an active member of both online and in-person [...]
Helpful Resource for Caregivers and CERT Members There’s so much to do each day in a caregiver’s life, it’s hard to make time for one more thing, like preparing for emergencies. Yet, we must plan and know what we must do; especially, when caring for someone with dementia and/or phy[...]
The Caregiver’s Voice Without A Voice After presenting two keynote addresses at three conferences and five workshops, I barely had a voice for the presentation below. If you listen closely, you’ll find treasured spoken nuggets and information on the slides. You’ll be informed, ente[...]