Caregiver, 50 years ago, our nation was divided and music touched our hearts to unify our nation and the world, starting with Cat Stevens' Peace Train.[...]
Guest article about preventing healthcare associated infections (HAIs) and life-saving tips for caregivers by Roberta Carson, founder of ZaggoCare.[...]
Neuroscientist, Lisa Genova explains in easy-to-understand language sprinkled with humor why we forget, how we can improve our memories, and Alzheimer’s.[...]
Alzheimer's Disease International releases World Alzheimer's Report 2021 addressing the need for timely diagnosis and awareness of dementia symptoms.[...]
Article excerpts—two views of happiness, amyloid plaques in eyes, exercise for quality of life after age 60, your job vs. family, and invisible costs of caring.[...]
We have a choice—remain helpless or act. The world keeps revolving with or without us. Let us refuel with a caregiver respite—it can make all the difference.[...]
John Roedel wrote a beautiful and memorable poem using our anatomy. Stressed caregivers, may you feel comforted by his words that speak to your own life's struggles. Remember to breathe.[...]
Anxiety may be in your body, 20-something brains of SuperAgers, multi-tasking destroys our brains, money-app scams, dementia and hearing in noisy rooms.[...]
While there is not yet a cure for Alzheimer's and despite our aging population, the number of people living with Alzheimer's is lower than the estimated figures from two decades earlier.[...]
Funny video of a husband's antics at Walmart reminds me of shopping with my father with Alzheimer's. There was always a risk of dealing with security.[...]
When people with dementia forget their loved one's name, it's heartwarming to know one remembers and still loves his girl (wife) enough to get married (again).[...]
Article excerpts – care options, Medicare vs. Medicaid, transparent doctor-caregiver communications, FBI's Elder Fraud Report, Taxes across 50 United States.[...]