Former teacher turned caregiver and author, Pat Jones, offers an intimate look at caring for her mother affectionately referred to as Baba, as she steadily loses her independence and self to Alzheimer’s. Jones, like many caregiver-turned-authors, shares recollections of self-sacrifice bordering on h[...]
Welcome to a “sneak preview” of our newly upgraded—the independent voice of caregivers for adults with brain impairment. Look around, you’ll find top-of-the-page links to help you in all facets of your caregiving journey or that of your clients: About Us Blog Produ[...]
In Parts I and II, we stressed the importance of bringing a patient advocate with you to the doctor’s office and stopping the doctor if s/he says something you don’t understand. In this final part of the series we look at the Internet as a resource. How good is the Internet in helping me[...]
This question is being asked more frequently by Baby Boomers and even the media. I’ve covered this topic before; but it’s important enough to address again. I’ll answer this as one who is currently sitting on the fence due to several uncertainties as reflected in the three question[...]
Obama’s policies—a cure for an ailing nation or a set-up for extinction? If your experience has been anything like mine, you’ve been involved in many discussions about the future of America. During gatherings, topics center on the uncertainty over America’s future. Questions to thi[...]
What should you (or your patient advocate) do when the doctor says something that you don’t understand? Stop him/her! One reason for malpractice suits is lack of proper follow-up care when the patient and his/her family does not fully understand the doctor’s instructions for the patient [...]
Today, we begin a three-part blog series entitled: TALK with your Doctor! Should you bring a friend or relative with you to the doctor’s office? Let me answer this by asking: Do you accompany your loved one to the doctor’s office? If so, why? Just as you decide to serve as your loved one[...]
$100 million to assist families caring for aging relatives News reports are filled with the Obama administration trying to do damage control. The primary reason cited is voters’ wake-up call to Democrats following Republican Scott Brown’s win of the senate seat vacated by the late Sen. K[...]
HAPPY NEW YEAR! One full week of 2010 has passed…how have these initial days of your new year been going? My wish is that you remain filled with hope because the truth is what other option do you have? If you choose to grow sad and lose hope, your caregiving journey will grow even more difficu[...]
Having lost my father to a massive stroke likely caused by late-stage Alzheimer’s, this is a strange question to be asking. After three decades of research, Peter Whitehouse, MD with his colleague, Danny George, MSc, takes a controversial look at Alzheimer’s, in The Myth of AlzheimerR[...]