The Banner Alzheimer’s Institute and Novartis are collaborating on a drug study to prevent beta amyloid plaques from accumulating in people’s brains. Whereas, treatment[...]
Technology was supposed to improve our communications—giving us more channels through which to communicate. Instead, mobile devices are creating a world of NON-communicators. We of[...]
When incurable illness strikes or we reach a certain age, many of us begin to wonder about our legacies. What has been my contribution to the world? Will people remember me? Someti[...]
What is it about guilt that causes some caregivers to suffer? What’s worse is some of us become paralyzed by guilt. How fair is that? It’s not. During the almost twenty years, I’ve[...]
What will be the impact of Alzheimer’s and dementia on Baby Boomers? Over the last few years, there has been increasing media coverage of the aging Boomer population and the [...]
My father, Martin Avadian, was born overseas in 1910. Two years after his father died, at age ten, he and his mother came to the United States by boat. They processed through Ellis[...]
IF, at times, you fear you’re getting dementia, remember this–in two days we’re creating as much information as we created from the dawn of time until 2003, accor[...]
We all do it. We know what we want, yet we make excuses (uh-hmmm, reasons) for postponing smart choices in our lives. Author Marc Chernoff offers “practical tips for producti[...]
You know the Christmas Carol: On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to meeeee…. Last year, I received an email featuring Christmas trees from around the world. Inc[...]
Dear Caregiver, Want to have a new and different experience, this Thanksgiving? Find a friend or family member who is planning to deep fry a turkey and make sure you get an invitat[...]
One of the benefits of being a tail-end baby boomer is being the beneficiary of leading-edge boomers who refuse to grow older. This means, instead of being limited as to how and wh[...]
WHAT IF hallucinations are a disEase with reality due to Alzheimer’s, Lewy body, or other cause of dementia? I often wondered this while caring for my father who lived with A[...]