Caregiving - how we handle life's twists and turns - some may take us to the edge. Chanie Gorkin, a youthful sage, offers us two perspectives of living. Image: Poetry Nation[...]
Common Sense Musings – Caregivers’ Diet, Exercise, and Sleep* Want to lose weight? In a world of quick weight-loss programs, it took me six-years to lose 20 pounds. Whe[...]
Earlier this week, I reflected on the 18th anniversary of my father’s passing. He died in 2001 on March 31. In 1993, on April 1 – April Fools’ Day – my moth[...]
Up until five years ago, I’d wake early on New Year’s Eve day to reflect on the year. What did I accomplish? What were my JOYs? What did I discover in hindsight that I [...]
Almost twenty years ago, I finished writing “Where’s my shoes?” My Father’s Walk through Alzheimer’s. It was released in hardcover in 1999. My father [...]
Caregiver, beware! Sometimes a sale is not a sale. This edition of Avadian Musings focuses on consumer value of paper towels, cherries, walnuts, and milk. Paper Towels – Same[...]
Twenty-two years ago, I devoured anything I could learn about the brain. I tried to understand what was happening to my father’s mind / brain as he lived with Alzheimer’[...]
It’s The Caregiver’s Voice 20th Anniversary! Twenty years ago, encouraged by support group members, The Caregiver’s Voice filled a void left by family caregivers [...]
What is the origin of these three English-language pet peeves? Could it be as a caregiver, I felt my time was not respected at the doctor’s office? Or are these due to Englis[...]
Immigrant Parents’ Money Management Lessons My parents immigrated to America for a better life. My father arrived with his mother through Ellis Island in 1920. My mother arri[...]
Nearly 20 years ago, I delivered a speech in honor of a former caregiver for her husband with Parkinson’s. I titled it, It’s NOT the Thought That Counts. The speech was inspired by[...]
Have you ever said, “I’ll never turn into my mom or dad”? Well, guess what? There comes a time – usually in our fifties, when we look in the mirror and̷[...]