The Caregiver’s Voice is using the occasion of our 25th Anniversary to make a change.
For years, has published articles every week with a rare week off. After 24 years—last year—we took time off for vacation. This was a first! Imagine publishing consistently for nearly a quarter century before finally taking time off!
Your email replies to “Tug-of-War—Set An Example or… What should I do?” were encouraging and made the decision clear.
Next month, we’ll initiate a new publication schedule. Our reasoning…
While the world demands more and more of our attention (like The Caregiver’s Voice animated logo below), we will move in the opposite direction.

Our approach to holding your attention (or making you scroll).
In a world that tries to hold all of our attention all of the time (think Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Netflix); The Caregiver’s Voice will inform, inspire, humor or even give you something to muse on, twice a month.
We believe, less is more. Less creates more space and encourages greater creativity and engagement.
If you don’t believe this, look at the comments to people’s posts on social media. Instead of reading closely, people simply skim. They don’t even read to the end. Too much information to sort through. The result? Funny and often frustrating interactions due to inattentiveness. For instance, read people’s comments to Alicia announcing on Facebook that she’s selling apple pies.
Year-after-year, our attention span declines. This has devastating consequences; especially, when signing contracts.
We plan to redirect the hours spent writing each blog (or editing guest posts) to spark something new and unexpected!
I welcome your comments to this change, either by email or in the comments, below.
Until then…
Beginning on August 9th, you will be able to read a new article on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month.
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