The Caregivers Voice

Knowledge, support, and humor for caregivers for people with dementia.

Caregiver TIPS

Patient and Caregiver - Amedisys Contessa provided photo
Palliative care after a diagnosis of a serious or chronic illness can improve quality of life for patients and caregivers with guidance and support. [...]

Inspiration for Caregivers

A walk on a grassy trail in the forest in Menomonie, Wisconsin.
Our memories anchor us, they give us identity, and when we forget we need to rest in order to recover from an intense brain workout.[...]

The Caregiver's Voice VIDEO Channel

PBS Banner Wine, Women, & Dementia
Two dementia family caregivers take a road trip to share stories of love, humor, and devotion with other family caregivers; and Alzheimer's treatment update.[...]

Avadian's Musings

Brenda Avadian on The Boulevard with friends visiting from Mexico
People with dementia often say, "I want to go home." After having fun with a family of friends, I am learning about Japan's culture for a feeling of "home".[...]

Caregiver Humor

Martin Avadian - lookin' atcha
We need more caregiver humor; though quirky and misunderstood by many, recalling funny caregiving times makes better caregiver respites.[...]

The Caregiver's Voice REVIEW

VOICES with Dementia

The Faces of Dementia Campaign by the Hamilton Council on Aging raises dementia awareness in this debut video featuring diverse people living with dementia.[...]

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